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Graphendo, Graphene oxide

Innovation should not be a worry for you

  • You want to achieve an improvement and you are looking for an experienced partner with the desired hard and soft skills!
  • Knowing about the contents of the matter when it comes to materials science.
  • Making appointments with all involved, supporting with crisp reportings, ensuring that all know the road ahead and keep an eye on the budget.
  • Bringing in enthusiasm for your goals and in-depth scientific knowledge.
  • Thus, your technology specialists can focus on their creativity without being distracted by project management fuss.
  • I know how you feel. That's why I operate the "Innovatiecentrum Kunststoffen" (Dutch for Polymer Innovation Centre) or, if you like, ICK.

ICK offers a spectrum of services, starting with market or technology scans, via project partering reaching to project management and implementation guidance.

Free E-book On Innovation

Process management

You have a bright idea, but not yet a clue which technology, approach and partners can bring it to life? Process management structurizes the "fuzzy" proces from a vision to a project plan. Process management is like an exciting travel giving your ideas hands and feet, ensuring you will have the right partners and knowledge in the project. I can support you in your endeavours to achieve that. Your people will love to commit, pick up worthful knowledge and your company will derive maximal value from the project.

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Project management

Many companies use Prince2®method - a best practice with its origin in the IT, but used nowadays for all kinds of projects in industry and public services.Prince2® offers a broad range of tools for the set-up of a project organisation and the safeguarding of progress and timeline. That broad, that a considerate use of the full toolbox is essential; profusion of reporting moments, procedures and documentation may severely limit the efficiency and commitment. Tailoring the standard to your specific project is a high art! 
Bearing this in mind, Prince2® is splendid for R&D projects and very suitable for virtual teams which cooperate over large distances. See for an example of IBDD's possible contribution to your success the smart, Prince2® based project plan service.

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Outsourcing of R&D

IBDD is account manager for the Sofia based company CSI, which supplies projectmanagement for research at the Academy of Scineces of Bulgaria. You can outsource your R&D to this new EU country for less than half of the costs in Western Europe - including a fee for project management in the Netherlands ánd in Sofia, where CSI founder dr. ir. Richard Smits lives. The Bulgarian scientists are up to the latest knowledge of their field and work in a dedicated fashion, perseverant and with enthousiasm.

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A clear method

Innovation processes, equal of which kind, can be divided in five comprehensible steps. You can find these steps here, or call me for further explanation.

Have a talk?

Feel free to contact me. Why not right now? A first analysis is free and furthermore, my tariff is friendly and flexible. If you need more than I could offer you myself, a number of strategic partners may give additional support. 

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